Head and Neck III - Muscles of Mastication study guide What is Horner Syndrome? What is the sympathetic pathway that is involved? What symptoms would you notice in the eye? On the skin? What attaches to the superior and inferior temporal lines? Coronoid process? Which fibers of the temporals retract the mandible? What are the movements of the TMJ? What muscle is primarily responsible for protrusion of the mandible? Retraction? Elevation? What group of muscles, in addition to gravity, is primarily responsible for mandibular depression? How many joint cavities are there in the TMJ? Where is the articular tubercle? What is the function of the lateral pterygoid in jaw opening? What are the muscles of mastication? What is their innervation? What muscle forms a sling for the mandible with the masseter? What structure divides the TMJ into superior and inferior compartments? Describe normal jaw opening mechanics. What muscle brings the head and neck of the mandible anteriorly during jaw opening, but also directly brings the articular disc with it? What happens in anterior dislocation of the mandible? What nerves are within the infratemporal fossa?