Thorax 3 study guide What are the primary structures is in the anterior mediastinum? Superior mediastinum? Where in the superior mediastinum do the lymphatics drain into? What is the path of venous flow into the superior vena cava? What is the arterial flow out of the aorta? What nerve descends, wraps around the aorta, then ascends back up between the trachea and esophagus? What is the ligamentum arteriosum? What is a dissecting aneurysm? What are the primary structures in the posterior mediastinum? What is another term for the thoracic aorta? What is the major source of lymphatic drainage in the posterior mediastinum? Where do intercostal nerves (GSE & GSA) arise from the CNS? What is the flow of blood through the heart? Name any landmarks it passses. Fun fact: 5th intercostal space = apex of heart LAA = left aortic arter What are the five (four and a half?) birds of the thoracic cage? What thoracic level does the esophagus come through the diaphragm? What does the right vagus n. become as it runs inferiorly? Left? What do they combine into? What structure reforms as this combination/plexus runs even more inferiorly? Where are the three esophageal constriction points? What is a hiatal hernia? What is a TEE? TGE? What are the branches of the thoracic aorta? Note: it's easier to see intercostal branches when you take off the costo-parietal pleura. What system drains the posterior thoracic structures? Where does it begin? Terminate? What veins does it receive? What intercostal veins for the left/right superior intercostal veins of this system? Where is this relative to the thoracic duct? Aorta? What passes through the diaphragm at T8? T10? T12? (from previous lecture) What is the lymph system? What does it collect? What are the characteristics of normal lymph nodes? Enlarged/swollen lymph nodes (there are two common presentations… which suggests malignancy)? How does the lymph system return to the venous system? Which side of the lymphatic system in the thorax is larger? What is the cisterna chyli? What are the seven main characteristics of the thoracic duct? What is a chylothorax? What does the right lymphatic duct drain? Cisterna chyli? How would we divide the nervous system anatomically? How would we divide the nervous system functionally? What are the functions? Main points? SNS Somatic functions ANS Visceral functions What division of the ANS has thoracolumbar (T1-L2) outflow? Craniosacral (III, VII, IX, X, S2-4) outflow? What system is a one-neuron system? Where is the cell body of this motor neuron? Sensory neuron? What system is a two-neuron system? Where are ganglia located relative to the CNS? What is another term for the sympathetic chain ganglia? Where are the cell bodies of the pre-ganglionic neurons? Post-ganglionic neurons? What are the three ways that pre-ganglionic neurons can synapse? What is the flow of sympathetic neurons through the spinal nerves and sympathetic trunk? Which rami communicans are not present outside of the level of T1-L2? What are splanchnic nerves? Where are the great splanchnic nerves? Lesser? Least? Note: lesser and least splanchnic nerves are usually not visible. What is the flow of parasympathetic neurons in the cranial region? Where are the neuron cell bodies? Sacral region? Is the pre- or post-ganglionic neuron generally longer?